Don Hrachovy

June 4 1988

Age 37, Houston, AIDS


above, Fall 1978 photo
He was an Aggie, Class of 1973

partner: Lee Perez

Leonard Matlovich & Don Hrachovy

Below, letter Don wrote to TWT when he was Vice President,
just before assuming the President slot due to Gary resigning

Click for excellent 1982 article from the Montrose Voice,
telling of the workings of the GPC mailing list
Montrose Voice-022682

personal note: I was a friend of Don's, and we dated for a
while years before, in 1985. I went to his funeral and as a tribute to
his passion a voter registration table was set up in front of
the church during his memorial service.

the two photos below were from the above event

Below, Don at Westheimer Arts Festival


Don was so respected for his work that the Caucus
has named an annual Award after him,
given out at the Equality Brunch in September.

Recent Acquisition, Photo of Don at Age 17!

Houston Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus,
Houston Outdoor Group