Eugene M Harrington

December 29 2002

Age 63, Houston


or, an image with different resolution



Above, Phyllis Frye, Ray Hill, Gene Harrington, Donald Skipwith, at meeting prior to March on Austin, 1989

Audio Clip:
Gene being interviewed by Suzanne Anderson
on Lesbian & Gay Voices, 6/25/93, 15 minutes

This is Gene Harrington, law professor and gay activist, Dec 4, 1990
Assignment by the Chronicle to the photographer being sent.

People With AIDS will go to City Hall for World AIDS Day, December 4, 1990.
Council members are supposed to wear green in memory of people with AIDS.
Gay activists may cause confrontation. They are expected to park a hearse in
a handicapped zone and someone is supposed to show up wearing a grim reaper
outfit. We need daily shots and also shots showing gay activist types (ie, Ray Hill,
Gene Harrington, anybody from the Gay Lesbian Political Caucus, John Paul Barnich
of the AIDS Foundation), helping people with AIDS or other obviously sick people.
Looking for poignancy as the shots are to be used for a Sunday story that discusses
the impact AIDS has had on gay political structure.

Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, Texas Human Rights Foundation